Greener Kirkcaldy is pleased to announce that Michael Harman has been appointed as the new Workshop & Retail Co-ordinator. Michael has extensive experience in the cycle retail industry and is a fully Cytech qualified mechanic. We are all pleased to have his expertise and he will oversee the day-to-day running of the workshop and retail operation.

David Glover remains with us as Project Manager. David has led on the development of our Social Enterprise bicycle shop on Kirkcaldy’s High Street, during difficult conditions.

The Lang Toun Cycles team

Blythe Orr has moved from her role as mechanic to Business Development & Retail Assistant.

Luca Marchesi, who started with us as a volunteer, trained to become a Velotech qualified mechanic under a six-month sponsorship programme from Fife Council. He has now gone on to become a Sessional Worker and to be involved in our new recycling reclamation project. Luca will be working alongside Kevin Barclay, another Sessional mechanic, who has been very valuable to us as during our recent transitional period. Both will be in the shop and on-site as the project develops across Fife.

Look out for more news on our new recycling reclamation project from David in the future.

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